Samantha Skeggs
Samantha Skeggs, Dimosons superstar Ops Manager, is no stranger to combining incredible customer service with a reliable work ethic – and delivers essential support to both of our World Class Sales and Property Management Teams.
Samantha’s motivated and hardworking approach is the stuff that keeps our office humming all year round. With more energy than the Duracell bunny, she smashes through tasks for our property management clients and sales listings. Forming the vital communication link in the many processes that happening at once.
Contact Samantha: 4258 0088
Email: samantha@dimosons.com.auWe do business differently to give you the edge.
By embracing change & constantly challenging tradition Dimosons has a strong desire to improve the way our industry operates.
Our experience, track record & strength of brand puts you in the perfect position to achieve the best possible price for your property in Port Kembla, Warrawong, Lake Heights, Berkeley & Cringila.
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